Bluetooth Application Layer development on Nexus Channel

Haven’t thought through this. Does any API doc system allow this? We could move to a system that does if available - do you plan to move hand-off documentation or maintain it? We could do that as a 1.0 and look for something that tracks API by version or even documents by version…

Possibly unit is sufficient, although it won’t be unique hence it seemed to make sense to have product type. Let’s take example of water flow - both a smart tap and pump would count that as a credit unit. Can you think of any other difference that needs to be captured between the two for the systems to work? If not we could remove it.

We’re trying to crowdsource the location detection, so many gateways could be authorized for a single device to aggregate ‘drive-by’ location. There wouldn’t be an actual connection, just downloading the advt packet. Although each of those gateways would need to be authorized to post that data to the device’s history on our server.

Ok as long as the Authority ID - universal PAYG ID conversion to Nexus IDs is done at the application layer this should inter-work I think?

That’s one potential selling point of interoperable systems in a region, sort of a ‘group insurance’ for interoperating distributors.

We do need this accuracy field, because we might be using basic GSM triangulation or cell-phone coordinates as a reference. Add to that BLE signal strength detection by the gateway and accuracy becomes important I think. Location is tricky!