Hi Ben, for dissemination purposes, we could encourage to use platforms like energypedia and GPA which are well-known in the sector. As a nonprofit platform, energypedia has been working towards knowledge exchange for more than 10 years and is a widely recognised as a independent and reliable source of information for the sector.
@ranisha do you have any specific recommendation on the format that you would like to have these formats ? It will be good to have this specific listed as well.
we would suggest having them in both wiki forms (easily editable on demand and can also be updated by the users) as well as in a zip format to download and used later. here is an example from our platform: Distribution System Operation Toolbox - energypedia
Hi all, just a quick project update. EnAccess is supporting this option source toolkit (or toolbox) and we have been working away for the last few months on putting together a great team and kicking off the research elements. If anyone would like more detailed updates on progress, then please feel free to post your question here- thanks, everyone for your help with this!