Distributed Manufacturing trials with African makerspaces

Hi, I am Jessica, project lead at the Internet of Production Alliance. At the IoPA, we are working on 2 projects, mAkE (EU funded- Innovation Horizon 2020) and Innovative Manufacturing Awards, aiming to strengthen the makerspace ecosystem and enable distributed manufacturing.

The Innovative Manufacturing Awards (IMA) project is one-year long project, part of the Research and Innovation systems in Africa (RISA), funded by the UK Aid through the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Nine (9) african makerspaces have been selected from Ghana, Kenya and South Africa to participate in activities around research capacity for data collection and development of common indicators for impact tracking, open catalogue of business models, and testing distributed manufacturing.

Between september and october, a total count of 1125 health care items will be produced in these makerspaces (125 each) and donated to nearby health facilities.

If you want to know more, participate and help us define what should made I invite you to join the discussion on our Forum, where you can discuss directly with the makerspaces and other people interested in enabling local. distributed manufacturing.

We are very excited to connect with your community and find how we could integrate energy access to the projects the makerspaces are developing.

We are also looking to have you @VivienB to present EnAccess to our cohort on July 13th.

Thank you :slight_smile:


Hi Jessica!

Thank you for sharing this news with our community.

Defining what should be made can be a challenge – hopefully, our community members have some thoughts/ideas what 125 healthcare innovations can be worked on in the makerspaces:

  • 100 simple devices - cost $2 USD per item
  • 20 simple products - cost $10 USD per item
  • 5 complicated products - cost $80 USD per item

Let’s help African makerspaces define the devices/products necessary to be developed!

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