Hi all,
We would love to hear your feedback in regards to the value of adapting and upgrading the (already) open source MicroPowerManager (MPM), so that it is not only tailored to mini-grid operators (as it already is) in rural Africa and Asia but as well to solar home system (SHS) companies.
Problem definition:
Our experience in the rural electrification space as well as talks with SHS companies in the market verify there is a substantial market gap of affordable (in fact, open source and free-of-charge) remote monitoring software that enable a full digitalization of companies’ processes. At present, SHS operators have the following options:
a) Develop a software solution in-house that enables an integrated data monitoring & customer relationship management platform, which is, by its nature, a complex and expensive process
b) Rely on commercially available software for the partial/full digitalization of all operations, which entail a substantial burden on the operational cost base and delay profitability further
c) Keep manual handling of transactional datapoints and customer data, which hinders the crucial growth of business so much needed to reach scale.
Scenarios a) and b) above are contemplable for top end international companies with the human and/or financial capacity to dedicate substantial funds for the digitalization of their operations. As our communication exchange with SHS companies in the market has confirmed, the majority of local SHSs suppliers in the African context thus currently find themselves hands-tied in their quest to reach sustainability and profitability, either having processes that are largely inefficient or spending substantial financial resources to pay monthly fees for commercial software. It is precisely these smaller, local SHS companies that have to be empowered in order to fast-track the eradication of energy poverty globally. Digitalization is a sine qua non condition to achieve the goal – that the digitalization process is affordable (even free-of-charge) for these companies, as well.
Open source innovation implied by the project:
MicroPower Manager (MPM) is an open source software for mini-grid customer and asset management, originally developed by INENSUS, published in 2020. The software contains dashboards for mini-grid clusters, villages, customers; a ticketing system for CRM and maintenance management; geo-referenced customer information; mobile money integration features; an appliances/machines sales engine supporting deferred payment schemes as well as data export/reporting. While mini-grid operators are increasing the software’s reach through integration with Mobile Money providers and meter manufacturers, Solar Home System (SHS) companies are approaching INENSUS requesting the usage of this open source tool for SHS customer and remote system management. To expand the software’s capabilities to SHS, some features need to be added, all of which will remain open source and available in GitHub. This will decrease the cost of operating a SHS PAYG business significantly. Combined mini-grid and SHS management becomes an option.
Proposed deliverables:
Features to be developed to fully integrate SHS into MPM are as follows:
- A separate window and engine for SHS sales on deferred payment schemes / PAYG shall be set up in parallel to appliance sales incl. technical and financial monitoring of SHS.
- Data analytics
- SHS require specific formats of reporting. Data base extractions and data export options specific to SHS companies shall be implemented. More flexible data extraction shall be enabled.
- SHS companies have slightly different user roles than mini-grid companies. User levels as required for SHS companies shall be integrated into the MPM
According to experience, the first users of new features need some handholding and integration support. After all, the first users carry some risk acting as a beta tester. Therefore, some further support from INENSUS will be required for:
- Mobile Money integration for up to three mobile money providers.
- Integration with OpenPAYGO token.
- Integration with other asset locked financing providers and A2EI’s Prospect Platform.
- The very first step is to integrate in the project’s concept the feedback coming from the open source community as well as from SHSs companies in the market, with the goal being to have MPM respond to what the market actually needs. Suggestions will be incorporated as long as they are within budgetary limits.
- Coding will take place.
- Lab testing and improvements.
- Documentation of new features in GitHub.
- Publication on GitHub.
- Training of SHS companies on MPM usage.
Based on your experience as an active member of the open source community and/or as a solar home system operator, what do you think is needed so that the upgrade of MPM for SHS companies optimally fills the existing market gap and makes the life of the target companies easier?
Your thoughts and contributions will be deeply appreciated.